A publication dedicated to facilitating legal

scholarship by undergraduate students, both at CMC

and across the country.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Election Sanctity

A piece on the Supreme Court's landmark decision in Citizens United v. FEC and its relationship to earlier precedent by Arizona State Sophomore Ian McCloskey.

Kelo and the New Eminent Domain

An examination of the Supreme Court's decision in Kelo v. New London by CMC Junior Paul Jeffrey

Deliberative Docketing

A thoughtful look at the Supreme Court's dwindling docket by CMC Senior Andrew Grimm.

Letter From the Editor

The table of contents for the first issue and an introduction to the Law Review that will sound quite familiar.

Welcome to the CMC Undergratuate Law Review

It is with great pleasure that I present to you the first issue of the
Claremont McKenna Undergraduate Law Review, a brand new
publication dedicated to facilitating legal scholarship by undergraduate
students, both at CMC and across the country. Like analogous journals at
law schools and other undergraduate institutions, the law review here will
publish thesis-driven articles exploring different facets of the law, as well
as analytical summaries of recent important cases. Additionally, we aim to
provide a setting in which undergraduate students interested in pursuing
careers in law can gain pertinent experience with legal scholarship. If you
are at all interested in contributing to the law review, as an editor or a
writer or otherwise, please do not hesitate to get involved. You can get
in touch with us at cmculr@gmail.com.

This first issue the result of an extraordinary amount of work from a
number of people to whom I am extremely grateful. Each of the writers, as
well as the editors, has put an enormous and very professional effort into
this issue, and I extend to them all my thoroughly deserved thanks. For the
time being, issues and articles are published only electronically, but as the
Law Review develops, we hope to publish print editions as well. And so,
without further ado: the Claremont McKenna Undergraduate Law Review.


                                                      Patrick Paterson